View Source wxSystemOptions (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxSystemOptions class

wxSystemOptions stores option/value pairs that wxWidgets itself or applications can use to alter behaviour at run-time. It can be used to optimize behaviour that doesn't deserve a distinct API, but is still important to be able to configure.

System options can be set by the program itself using setOption/2 method and they also can be set from the program environment by defining an environment variable wx_option to set the given option for all wxWidgets applications or wx_appname_option to set it just for the application with the given name (as returned by wxApp::GetAppName() (not implemented in wx)). Notice that any characters not allowed in the environment variables names, such as periods and dashes, should be replaced with underscores. E.g. to define a system option "foo-bar" you need to define the environment variable "wx_foo_bar".

The program may use system options for its own needs but they are mostly used to control the behaviour of wxWidgets library itself.

These options are currently recognised by wxWidgets:

All platforms





The compile-time option to include or exclude this functionality is wxUSE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS.

See: wxSystemSettings

wxWidgets docs: wxSystemOptions



Gets an option.

Gets an option as an integer.

Returns true if the given option is present.

Returns true if the option with the given name had been set to 0 value.

Sets an option.


-type wxSystemOptions() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec getOption(Name) -> unicode:charlist() when Name :: unicode:chardata().

Gets an option.

The function is case-insensitive to name. Returns empty string if the option hasn't been set.

See: setOption/2, getOptionInt/1, hasOption/1

-spec getOptionInt(Name) -> integer() when Name :: unicode:chardata().

Gets an option as an integer.

The function is case-insensitive to name. If the option hasn't been set, this function returns 0.

See: setOption/2, getOption/1, hasOption/1

-spec hasOption(Name) -> boolean() when Name :: unicode:chardata().

Returns true if the given option is present.

The function is case-insensitive to name.

See: setOption/2, getOption/1, getOptionInt/1

-spec isFalse(Name) -> boolean() when Name :: unicode:chardata().

Returns true if the option with the given name had been set to 0 value.

This is mostly useful for boolean options for which you can't use GetOptionInt(name) == 0 as this would also be true if the option hadn't been set at all.

-spec setOption(Name, Value) -> ok when Name :: unicode:chardata(), Value :: integer();
               (Name, Value) -> ok when Name :: unicode:chardata(), Value :: unicode:chardata().

Sets an option.

The function is case-insensitive to name.