View Source wxFontDialog (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxFontDialog class

This class represents the font chooser dialog.

See: Overview cmndlg, wxFontData, ?wxGetFontFromUser()

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxDialog wxTopLevelWindow wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxFontDialog



Creates the dialog if the wxFontDialog object had been initialized using the default constructor.

Destroys the object.

Returns the wxFontData associated with the font dialog.

Default ctor.



-type wxFontDialog() :: wx:wx_object().


Link to this function

create(This, Parent, Data)

View Source
-spec create(This, Parent, Data) -> boolean()
                    This :: wxFontDialog(),
                    Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                    Data :: wxFontData:wxFontData().

Creates the dialog if the wxFontDialog object had been initialized using the default constructor.

Return: true on success and false if an error occurred.

-spec destroy(This :: wxFontDialog()) -> ok.

Destroys the object.

-spec getFontData(This) -> wxFontData:wxFontData() when This :: wxFontDialog().

Returns the wxFontData associated with the font dialog.

-spec new() -> wxFontDialog().

Default ctor.

create/3 must be called before the dialog can be shown.

-spec new(Parent, Data) -> wxFontDialog()
             when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Data :: wxFontData:wxFontData().


Pass a parent window, and the wxFontData object to be used to initialize the dialog controls.