
This release of Erlang/OTP can be built from source or installed using pre-built packages for your OS or third-party tools (such as kerl or asdf).

docker run -it erlang:
Patch Package OTP
Git Tag OTP-
Date 2023-10-12
Issue Id
System OTP
Release 25

erts- #

Note! The erts- application *cannot* be applied independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 25 installation. On a full OTP 25 installation, also the following runtime dependencies have to be satisfied: -- kernel-8.5 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1) -- stdlib-4.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1)

Related Id(s):

If the external term format encoding of an argument list part of a distributed spawn operation was faulty, the newly spawned remote process could misbehave. The misbehavior included hanging or interpret an incoming message as an argument list to use. This was very unlikely to happen unless using an alternate implementation of the distribution protocol which made a faulty encoding of the argument list. The child process will now detect this error and terminate before executing the user specified code.

Related Id(s):

On Apple Silicon Macs running macOS Sonoma, the runtime system with the JIT enabled would crash. Therefore, the configure script will by default now disable the JIT on Macs with Apple Silicon. When building for earlier versions of macOS, the JIT can be explicitly enabled by passing --enable-jit to the configure script.

Related Id(s):
GH-7683 , PR-7712

Fix bugs where if the body of a matchspec would return a map with a variable ('$1', '$_' etc) as one of the keys or values and the variable was not an immidiate, the term would not be copied to the receiving processes heap. This would later corrupt the term in the table as the GC could place move markers in it, which in turn would cause the VM to crash.

Bug has been present for since OTP 17.0.

Full runtime dependencies of erts- kernel-8.5, sasl-3.3, stdlib-4.1

stdlib- #

Note! The stdlib- application *cannot* be applied independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 25 installation. On a full OTP 25 installation, also the following runtime dependencies have to be satisfied: -- erts-13.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1) -- kernel-8.5.1 (first satisfied in OTP 25.1.1)

Related Id(s):

Garbage collect the shell process when reducing the amount of saved history and results.

Full runtime dependencies of stdlib- compiler-5.0, crypto-4.5, erts-13.1, kernel-8.5.1, sasl-3.0