View Source wxXmlResource (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxXmlResource class

This is the main class for interacting with the XML-based resource system.

The class holds XML resources from one or more .xml files, binary files or zip archive files.

Note that this is a singleton class and you'll never allocate/deallocate it. Just use the static get/0 getter.

See: Overview xrc, Overview xrcformat

wxWidgets docs: wxXmlResource



Attaches an unknown control to the given panel/window/dialog.

Removes all handlers and deletes them (this means that any handlers added using AddHandler() (not implemented in wx) must be allocated on the heap).

Compares the XRC version to the argument.


Gets the global resources object or creates one if none exists.

Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of ?wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values.

Returns version information (a.b.c.d = d + 256c + 2562b + 2563*a).

Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML resource.

Initializes handlers for all supported controls/windows.

Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask.

Loads a bitmap resource from a file.

Loads a frame from the resource.

Loads the contents of a frame onto an existing wxFrame.

Loads an icon resource from a file.

Loads menu from resource.

Loads a menubar from resource.



Sets the global resources object and returns a pointer to the previous one (may be NULL).

Sets flags (bitlist of ?wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values).

This function unloads a resource previously loaded by load/2.

Looks up a control.


-type wxXmlResource() :: wx:wx_object().


Link to this function

attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control)

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-spec attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control) -> boolean()
                                  This :: wxXmlResource(),
                                  Name :: unicode:chardata(),
                                  Control :: wxWindow:wxWindow().
-spec attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control, [Option]) -> boolean()
                                  This :: wxXmlResource(),
                                  Name :: unicode:chardata(),
                                  Control :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                                  Option :: {parent, wxWindow:wxWindow()}.

Attaches an unknown control to the given panel/window/dialog.

Unknown controls are used in conjunction with <object class="unknown">.

-spec clearHandlers(This) -> ok when This :: wxXmlResource().

Removes all handlers and deletes them (this means that any handlers added using AddHandler() (not implemented in wx) must be allocated on the heap).

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compareVersion(This, Major, Minor, Release, Revision)

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-spec compareVersion(This, Major, Minor, Release, Revision) -> integer()
                            This :: wxXmlResource(),
                            Major :: integer(),
                            Minor :: integer(),
                            Release :: integer(),
                            Revision :: integer().

Compares the XRC version to the argument.

Returns -1 if the XRC version is less than the argument, +1 if greater, and 0 if they are equal.

-spec destroy(This :: wxXmlResource()) -> ok.


-spec get() -> wxXmlResource().

Gets the global resources object or creates one if none exists.

-spec getFlags(This) -> integer() when This :: wxXmlResource().

Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of ?wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values.

-spec getVersion(This) -> integer() when This :: wxXmlResource().

Returns version information (a.b.c.d = d + 256c + 2562b + 2563*a).

-spec getXRCID(Str_id) -> integer() when Str_id :: unicode:chardata().
Link to this function

getXRCID(Str_id, Options)

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-spec getXRCID(Str_id, [Option]) -> integer()
                  when Str_id :: unicode:chardata(), Option :: {value_if_not_found, integer()}.

Returns a numeric ID that is equivalent to the string ID used in an XML resource.

If an unknown str_id is requested (i.e. other than wxID_XXX or integer), a new record is created which associates the given string with a number.

If value_if_not_found is wxID_NONE, the number is obtained via wx_misc:newId/0. Otherwise value_if_not_found is used.

Macro XRCID(name) is provided for convenient use in event tables.

Note: IDs returned by XRCID() cannot be used with the EVT_*_RANGE macros, because the order in which they are assigned to symbolic name values is not guaranteed.

-spec initAllHandlers(This) -> ok when This :: wxXmlResource().

Initializes handlers for all supported controls/windows.

This will make the executable quite big because it forces linking against most of the wxWidgets library.

-spec load(This, Filemask) -> boolean() when This :: wxXmlResource(), Filemask :: unicode:chardata().

Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask.


Note: If wxUSE_FILESYS is enabled, this method understands wxFileSystem (not implemented in wx) URLs (see wxFileSystem::FindFirst() (not implemented in wx)).

Note: If you are sure that the argument is name of single XRC file (rather than an URL or a wildcard), use LoadFile() (not implemented in wx) instead.

See: LoadFile() (not implemented in wx), LoadAllFiles() (not implemented in wx)

-spec loadBitmap(This, Name) -> wxBitmap:wxBitmap()
                    when This :: wxXmlResource(), Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a bitmap resource from a file.

Link to this function

loadDialog(This, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadDialog(This, Parent, Name) -> wxDialog:wxDialog()
                        This :: wxXmlResource(),
                        Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                        Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a dialog.

parent points to parent window (if any).

Link to this function

loadDialog(This, Dlg, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadDialog(This, Dlg, Parent, Name) -> boolean()
                        This :: wxXmlResource(),
                        Dlg :: wxDialog:wxDialog(),
                        Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                        Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a dialog.

parent points to parent window (if any).

This form is used to finish creation of an already existing instance (the main reason for this is that you may want to use derived class with a new event table). Example:

Link to this function

loadFrame(This, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadFrame(This, Parent, Name) -> wxFrame:wxFrame()
                       This :: wxXmlResource(),
                       Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                       Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a frame from the resource.

parent points to parent window (if any).

Link to this function

loadFrame(This, Frame, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadFrame(This, Frame, Parent, Name) -> boolean()
                       This :: wxXmlResource(),
                       Frame :: wxFrame:wxFrame(),
                       Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                       Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads the contents of a frame onto an existing wxFrame.

This form is used to finish creation of an already existing instance (the main reason for this is that you may want to use derived class with a new event table).

-spec loadIcon(This, Name) -> wxIcon:wxIcon() when This :: wxXmlResource(), Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads an icon resource from a file.

-spec loadMenu(This, Name) -> wxMenu:wxMenu() when This :: wxXmlResource(), Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads menu from resource.

Returns NULL on failure.

-spec loadMenuBar(This, Name) -> wxMenuBar:wxMenuBar()
                     when This :: wxXmlResource(), Name :: unicode:chardata().
Link to this function

loadMenuBar(This, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadMenuBar(This, Parent, Name) -> wxMenuBar:wxMenuBar()
                         This :: wxXmlResource(),
                         Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                         Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a menubar from resource.

Returns NULL on failure.

Link to this function

loadPanel(This, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadPanel(This, Parent, Name) -> wxPanel:wxPanel()
                       This :: wxXmlResource(),
                       Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                       Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a panel.

parent points to the parent window.

Link to this function

loadPanel(This, Panel, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadPanel(This, Panel, Parent, Name) -> boolean()
                       This :: wxXmlResource(),
                       Panel :: wxPanel:wxPanel(),
                       Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                       Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a panel.

parent points to the parent window. This form is used to finish creation of an already existing instance.

Link to this function

loadToolBar(This, Parent, Name)

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-spec loadToolBar(This, Parent, Name) -> wxToolBar:wxToolBar()
                         This :: wxXmlResource(),
                         Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                         Name :: unicode:chardata().

Loads a toolbar.

-spec new() -> wxXmlResource().
-spec new([Option]) -> wxXmlResource() when Option :: {flags, integer()} | {domain, unicode:chardata()}.


-spec new(Filemask, [Option]) -> wxXmlResource()
                 Filemask :: unicode:chardata(),
                 Option :: {flags, integer()} | {domain, unicode:chardata()}.


-spec set(Res) -> wxXmlResource() when Res :: wxXmlResource().

Sets the global resources object and returns a pointer to the previous one (may be NULL).

-spec setFlags(This, Flags) -> ok when This :: wxXmlResource(), Flags :: integer().

Sets flags (bitlist of ?wxXmlResourceFlags enumeration values).

-spec unload(This, Filename) -> boolean() when This :: wxXmlResource(), Filename :: unicode:chardata().

This function unloads a resource previously loaded by load/2.

Returns true if the resource was successfully unloaded and false if it hasn't been found in the list of loaded resources.

Link to this function

xrcctrl(Window, Name, Type)

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-spec xrcctrl(Window, Name, Type) -> wx:wx_object()
                 when Window :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Name :: string(), Type :: atom().

Looks up a control.

Get a control with Name in a window created with XML resources. You can use it to set/get values from controls. The object is type casted to Type. Example: