View Source wxTextEntryDialog (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxTextEntryDialog class

This class represents a dialog that requests a one-line text string from the user. It is implemented as a generic wxWidgets dialog.

See: Overview cmndlg

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxDialog wxTopLevelWindow wxWindow wxEvtHandler

wxWidgets docs: wxTextEntryDialog




Returns the text that the user has entered if the user has pressed OK, or the original value if the user has pressed Cancel.

Default constructor.


Sets the default text value.


-type wxTextEntryDialog() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec destroy(This :: wxTextEntryDialog()) -> ok.


-spec getValue(This) -> unicode:charlist() when This :: wxTextEntryDialog().

Returns the text that the user has entered if the user has pressed OK, or the original value if the user has pressed Cancel.

-spec new() -> wxTextEntryDialog().

Default constructor.

Call Create() (not implemented in wx) to really create the dialog later.

Since: 2.9.5

-spec new(Parent, Message) -> wxTextEntryDialog()
             when Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(), Message :: unicode:chardata().
-spec new(Parent, Message, [Option]) -> wxTextEntryDialog()
                 Parent :: wxWindow:wxWindow(),
                 Message :: unicode:chardata(),
                 Option ::
                     {caption, unicode:chardata()} |
                     {value, unicode:chardata()} |
                     {style, integer()} |
                     {pos, {X :: integer(), Y :: integer()}}.


Use wxDialog:showModal/1 to show the dialog.

See Create() (not implemented in wx) method for parameter description.

-spec setValue(This, Value) -> ok when This :: wxTextEntryDialog(), Value :: unicode:chardata().

Sets the default text value.