View Source wxDCOverlay (wx v2.4.2)

Functions for wxDCOverlay class

Connects an overlay with a drawing DC.

See: wxOverlay, wxDC

wxWidgets docs: wxDCOverlay



Clears the layer, restoring the state at the last init.

Removes the connection between the overlay and the dc.

Convenience wrapper that behaves the same using the entire area of the dc.

Connects this overlay to the corresponding drawing dc, if the overlay is not initialized yet this call will do so.


-type wxDCOverlay() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec clear(This) -> ok when This :: wxDCOverlay().

Clears the layer, restoring the state at the last init.

-spec destroy(This :: wxDCOverlay()) -> ok.

Removes the connection between the overlay and the dc.

-spec new(Overlay, Dc) -> wxDCOverlay() when Overlay :: wxOverlay:wxOverlay(), Dc :: wxDC:wxDC().

Convenience wrapper that behaves the same using the entire area of the dc.

Link to this function

new(Overlay, Dc, X, Y, Width, Height)

View Source
-spec new(Overlay, Dc, X, Y, Width, Height) -> wxDCOverlay()
                 Overlay :: wxOverlay:wxOverlay(),
                 Dc :: wxDC:wxDC(),
                 X :: integer(),
                 Y :: integer(),
                 Width :: integer(),
                 Height :: integer().

Connects this overlay to the corresponding drawing dc, if the overlay is not initialized yet this call will do so.